Friday, August 31, 2012

Lost and Found

Forgive the radio silence over here.  I lost my camera for a few weeks and figured, who wants to just read about a house makeover?  Luckily, an accident led to its discovery a few nights ago.  Zeph bumped his head on a sofa leg, on which Patrick and I were sitting and enjoying an adult beverage.  I overzealously jumped up to make sure Zeph was ok (he was), and in the process spilled my beer all over the couch.  When I took off the cushion to blot the wet spot, there lay my camera wedged in between!  Hooray.  So now I give you....three weeks of house updates!  I'll start with the big stuff first.  You may recall our floors being sanded down to their natural state, waiting to be stained a delicious, dark coffee color.

After three nights staying with family (floor stain is stinky stinky), they are now all done and glorious!

 I am smitten. 

As you can see, we have slowly begun to move our furniture in from the garage.  The one teeny tiny detail I did not account, however, is that you can see every little speck of dust, dirt or lint on those floors!  I cannot sweep enough to keep them looking spotless.  I think we're going to have to implement a no-shoe rule just to save myself (and Zeph, who hangs in the carrier while I sweep) from making that chore daily.  My mom recommended one of those Roomba robots, but that doesn't seem like a major priority compared to all the other expenses we have going on right now...we'll see!

Our contractor Jeff has also been working on putting gutters up around the house.  Whenever it rained, the back of the house by the deck would get completely splashed, and there was even a patch of significant wood rot inside!  So we bumped that up on the to-do list. The only issue is finding a Lowe's that carries brown gutters--who knew they'd be such a novelty?  But we've finally got a good dent in those.

 Patrick and I have been rolling out the projects as well.  We are slowly but surely moving things into the house.  The upstairs is completely habitable now that we got the floors steamed.  Most of Zeph's room is completed, we just need to bring the crib up and get him acclimated to having a room of his own (we'll see how that goes over).  The third bedroom is turning into a guest room / sewing room, as I am about to embark on sewing curtains for downstairs.  Look at my fabric!  I loooooove.  This first bolt is for the great room and sunroom.

This is on Zeph's little town rug in his room.

And here is what I picked for the kitchen:

Swoon!  (thanks, U-fab!)  And it was all just $9.99 a yard!  This could well turn into a multi-week project, but grandmas have been coming over to help with Zeph while I knock out some projects (Patrick went back to work this week, booooo!)

Speaking of multi-week projects, the kitchen cabinet doors are finally finished!  They'll be going back up this weekend, so we'll have lots of updates to share over the next few days.  Happy Labor Day!

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