Ok, that title may be a little dramatic, but basically we're between homes and waiting for the USDA to process our loan. Our lease ended the last day of June, so we (with the help of our wonderful family -- thanks, everyone!) moved all of our belongings into a storage unit a few miles away from the new house. Or...maybe it took two storage units...how did we acquire so much stuff? This was the hardest move I've experienced yet and I'm seriously hoping this house keeps us happily settled for.ever.
In addition to waiting on the USDA, we've also started getting all of the inspections redone: that's right, well water, septic and termite (the home inspection isn't required for closing, that's just for the buyer's info). I managed to get a discount on all of them except the well water tests (ask and ye shall receive some of the time). I'm also collecting quotes for home owners insurance to get that ball rolling, and need to touch base with our lender to make sure all of our ducks are in a row to close. I'm a little nervous about that one because the last time I emailed with her I may have expressed just a liiiiittle bit of distaste over how slowly they process paperwork (three days for one paystub? seriously?? But I digress.........). Wish me luck there.
While we're getting through all of the above, we're happily camped out at Patrick's parents' house. They sweetly offered us their room and have been spoiling us all week long, which is MUCH appreciated after all this house worry. It is so nice to RELAX! My niece and nephew, Marissa and Gabe, are also in town vising from Japan (konnichiwaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!) and there is tons of fun to be had with them. I'll check back in when we're closer to closing, hopefully the week after next!!! Ok!!!! I think I've had enough exclamations for one post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!